Herbal Magic
Herbs,  Lavender

Herbal Magic

Herbal Magic

Herbal Magic explores magical tips using essential oils, herbs, and incense. Many of these you will have in your home already. Today we look at herbal magic using Lavender. Remember that in magical and spiritual practices lavender essential oil, lavender incense, and the herb can be interchanged. So if your spell requires Lavender you can use incense or the essential oil.

I will begin with essential oil. Lavender essential oil in a diffuser or oil burner can be used for tranquility and peace, to banish negativity, and to ward off evil spirits, and negative energy. The lavender scent may assist you in connecting with the divine, enhance communication, and promote peace in your relationships. It may help with sleep and relaxation, and to cleanse and purify the energy in an area.

Lavender essential oil may be used neat if you are stressed or need to rid yourself of negativity. It can ward off bugs and help soothe bug bites. It is also known for its benefits to the skin. This essential oil can help with acne, eczema, and burns. Use it to reduce pain such as headaches. Lavender essential oil can be added to your natural cleaning products for its antimicrobial properties.

Herbal magic with lavender incense. Burning lavender incense works in your magical and spiritual practices to cleanse spaces, objects, and the aura. It is believed to raise the vibrational energy in your space and energy field. Which can decrease negativity around you, therefore, promoting inner peace. It can be used to attract the currency of the land to your home and to help you manifest the same in your life.

Herbal Magic with the Lavender herb includes using it in your bath for purification, to heal and restore balance, and for cleansing. Using lavender flowers in edibles is thought to ensure happiness and vitality. Using it to create a dream pillow can enhance sleep quality. Sprinkling lavender flowers can ward off evil energy/entities and remove negative energies. This is true for burning lavender too.

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