Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of February 14, 2022 – February 20, 2022 by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of February 14, 2022 - February 20, 2022 by Lady Dyanna

This week’s reading is from Celtic Tree Oracle

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of February 14, 2022 - February 20, 2022 by Lady Dyanna

 The card for this week is Saille Willow


Keywords: the feminine principle, cooperation, fertility, intuition, the moon, and her cycles, water, emotion, creativity, community


The Saille Willow initiate in the fourth lunation of the year. This tree represents the feminine principle and is associated with the celebration of Imbolc and Candlemas. This is a period of the quickening of the creative principle and the element of fire. We celebrate the magic that sparks the seed deep within the earth to begin to grow. The teaching of this is about enriching our community, cooperating with others, and learning to share power and resources with others. Willow teaches us to embrace our emotions and to express them. She encourages peace and harmony with others and with the natural world. She supports our dream life. Many wonderful plans and ideas come to us in this way. The ogham for this tree is Saille and the letter S.

Willow In A Reading
when you draw Willow, you can expect the meeting with the mysteries, the power of enchantments, magic, and the moon. You can expect to have a psychic or intuitive encounter. Dreams and synchronicities are important. Pay attention to your own intuition. Meditation and contemplation time are important. Make some personal time for quiet reflection. Ask yourself where you are in the cycle of things. If you are wondering about a creative endeavor, you can expect a visitation from the Muse.

You may also feel moodier than usual. If this is an emotional time, remember that it is okay to cry. Tears are healing; they release pent-up feelings. Allow even negative feelings to arise. Express them and let them go, as they have no power over you unless you ignore them or stifle them.

Willow has everything to do with the feminine energy. This card may come up when you’re going to issues that have to do with sexuality, fertility, reproduction, birthing, or mothering. You may need the physical support of friends, family, and your community as you move through these issues in your life. Be willing to ask for help. If you’re going to grieve the loss associated with these themes, Willow offers you healing.

Willow encourages you to do something creative. Draw, sing, dance, or write a poem. Leave the critical part of your thinking aside, and just allow the expression. Enjoy it. She asks you to partake in your community, too, to be receptive, to participate in a cooperative endeavor. Also, women are important to your process, now. Don’t forget to support your own feminine side, as well.


I am the majestic Saille Willow. I am a tree that supports you in honoring your feelings. When you are having an emotional moment, be kind to yourself. Treat all of your emotions with kindness. Once they have your attention, they will diminish. That is all they want. Your unconditional love and attention is everything. In this way, you are acting like the perfect mother – to yourself. The feminine principle is about love, kindness, care, appreciation, and calming attention.

I represent the Great Mother of all, and I send my healing love. I am here to hug and hold you. You can seek comfort in my great arms. I am an umbrella of love and protection. You are a child of the vast universe, and you are precious. I am here to reassure you that all is well and that all is returning to balance. Forgive yourself and allow healing to take place. In time, you can lay down your grievances and forgive others. All acts of forgiveness are really for your own healing.


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