Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of April 25, 2022 – May 1, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of April 25, 2022 - May 1, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

This week’s reading is from Oracle of the Dragonfae

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of April 25, 2022 - May 1, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

 The card for this week is The New Moon Fae

Key Words: Soul Scrying


The New Moon Fae speaks:
“I rule myths and dreams, which encapsulate truths about yourself in forms that you can work with. I rule creativity and the storyteller, and that which enchants. I am Imagination, instinctive wisdom, and archetypal energies and forms which cross-cultural boundaries. I love the moonlight – and I know only too well that the Crystal One can mean madness or enlightenment. I am the enchanted strange outsider, as are you, and so I understand when you feel you are not at home in this world. Sometimes I know you feel as if you are not part of the mainstream, and you can feel isolated. Please remember that under the moonlight you cannot see the full spectrum of colors, but you can often see between the worlds and deep into the true essence of all.
Do not feel ashamed of your strangeness and your shadows. They can be beautiful and mysterious if they are loved, embraced, and owned. But something is missing and I have cast out a part of myself that I am now waiting to return. Like you, I am nearing a time of action, where I must go in search of all of myself; but for this moment, I take solace in the reflection of the still and moonlit pool, and even in the stark lacework of the bare trees, II find truth and hope.
You too have this quicksilver and primal energy, but I encourage you now to become practical, to deal with difficulties and separation, and to dissolve your fears through action, strength, and acceptance. However, do not shut out your own fears and intuition. What you resist and repress only regroups in the shadows and draws strength from denial. Instead, bring your fears out into the open and shine the sunlight on them. Embrace all who you are. Your accepted social mask can now be dropped; you may now incorporate the power of heightened psychic ability, which can be hard to communicate and read accurately. Do not despair. You will learn to understand and interpret your own psychic and symbolic language if you practice, as I am now, in this sacred pool. If you do not make a conscious effort, your unconscious will continue to do the work on your behalf anyway. You may be a psychic nighttime being with fragile, but powerful abilities, but you are also of the elements, and the Dragonfae can teach you strength and give you the wisdom with which to use it well.”
Divinatory meanings
You may be feeling abandoned at this time, or like a part of who you are is missing. It can also indicate that you have been experiencing a false belief that all others do not like or accept you. In truth, when this card is revealed, it is that New Moon Fae wishes to indicate that you do not like and accept yourself and that you may be choosing to hide from your own psychic ability and wild self, your spirit vision shrouded by denial. Withdrawal, depression, drinking, eating, sleeping to drown out your inner voice and ability. Fearful superstitions, feeling that your abilities are not God-like or God-given. Guilt over psychic abilities and beliefs. Dark Night of the soul, expecting total clarity from visions, misunderstanding the nature of psychic work. Longing, yearning, but inactive. Sensation of drowning. Memory problems. Soul amnesia. Period pain. Water retention. Tendency to turn to alcohol, food, or other substances to drown out psychic messages.
Working with the New Moon Fae
Take yourself to a quiet place in nature and make a commitment to practice your meditations, your readings, your own techniques for connecting with Spirit on a more regular basis, and particularly at the beginning of each lunar cycle. Also know that you need moonlight, as well as the beautiful brightness of sunlight.
Moonlight will cleanse you and assist you in rebalancing, gently and naturally. In this way, you will learn to trust the part of your soul you have misplaced, and in that trusted sanctuary, it can return to you. Remember, nothing is lost. And all that is truly yours shall return.




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