Beltane,  Sabbats



Magickal Gardens
Beltane reminds us that warmer weather is just ahead, It is getting time for those of us in the North-Eastern section of the US to start thinking about gardening. even if you have no room to plant a garden, container gardens are possible.
Some of the herbs that will grow readily indoors or in pots are:
Basil trim leaves from your basil plant regularly to use in protection, prosperity, and love well as to season your food.
Marjoram Protection, love, fertility, happiness, prosperity, relax nervous tension, and exhaustion
Lavender Love, peace, purification, protection, calming, balancing, and longevity also makes an excellent addition to summer dishes.
Rosemary Protection, love, passion, mental powers, purification, uplifting, mental stimulant, strength and courage, excellent seasoning a herb as well.
Thyme Healing, sleep, enhance psychic powers, courage, purification, love.
These plants can be grown in pots or containers on balconies and window sills… Happy gardening.

Beltane Oil
Use almond oil or other non-scented oil for your base
2 tablespoons base oil
5 drops of Vanilla oil
5 drops of Rose oil
2 drops of Lilac oil

Oil may be used to anoint a candle or add to 1 cup of salt to create a Beltane Bath Salt.

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