Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of May 2, 2022 - May 8, 2022, by Lady Dyanna
Divination,  Oracle Decks,  Weekly Oracle Reading

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of May 2, 2022 – May 8, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

This week’s reading is from Gaia Oracle

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of May 2, 2022 - May 8, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

 The card for this week is Evolution

Key Words: Earth Changes, Climate Change, Transformation

Our world is cradled in a cosmic ocean of love; surrounded by an infinite universe, governed by a higher force greater than our human mind can know or comprehend. We are a forever changing image, forever transforming on our journey through eternity. Yes, the climate is changing, and yes, the Earth is transforming, but this has always been so and this will always continue. Are we governed by a will greater than our own or are we the architects of our own future? This we do not know for sure. But one thing is certain; whether we like it or not our precious planet will continue to transform. From the stars, we were born and to a star, we shall transform.
Be mindful of Mother Earth, be considerate and kind to her, but do not fear her changing nature, for just like us, she is transforming to ever greater light.
All lovingly unfolds through time and space
Life constantly transforms, but in essence, nothing changes
There is nothing to fear, there is only love
I am one with the universe and stars
Love is my guiding force





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