Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of June 27, 2022 - July 3, 2022, by Lady Dyanna
Divination,  Oracle Decks,  Weekly Oracle Reading

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of June 27, 2022 – July 3, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

This week’s reading is from The Druid Animal Oracle by Carr-Gomm & Carr-Gomm

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of June 27, 2022 - July 3, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

 The card for this week is Goose

Key Words: Vigilance,Parenthood,Productive Power.

This card may indicate that you are ready to take on the responsibilities of raising a family, or of committing yourself to a long-term partnership. Geadh brings creative and productive power. It allows you to open to this power, secure in the knowledge that your relationship or family working partnership will provide a stable environment to act as a crucible for your creativity. Raising children is one of the most joyful and worthwhile activities we can undertake, and the goose, with its strong attachment to family, combined with its ability to fly extraordinarly high from one continent to another, shows us that it is possible to be both grounded and spiritual in our daily lives.




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