Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of July 11, 2022 – July 17, 2022, by Lady Dyanna
This week’s reading is from The Druid Animal Oracle by Carr-Gomm & Carr-Gomm
The card for this week is Crane
Key Words: Secret Knowledge, Patience, Longevity
Corr Brings the qualities of patience and perseverance. The cran will stand for hours peering into the water until the time is right for it to dart at its prey. Combined with the ability to be patient, the crane conveys the capacity to be focused and to be able to concentrate without distraction. It brings an ability to guide others into the Underworld, to help them with their transition at the time of dying, or with their journeying in the inner realms. As well as conveying an ability to work in the “Underworld,” the crane symbolizes arcane science, or Secret knowledge, which in Druid tradition is represented by the Ogham script-the tree language of Druidry. In its widest sense, learning this language involves learning to read the “Book of Nature.”
Please tune in to the weekly podcast for the full Oracle Reading.

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