Lammas/Lughnasadh Color and Incense
Colors,  Correspondences,  Incense,  Lammas/Lughnasadh,  Sabbats

Lammas/Lughnasadh Color and Incense

Lammas/Lughnasadh Color and Incense

Lammas/Lughnasadh Color and Incense

Color: Brown=Special Favors To Influence Friendships, Animals, Home, locate lost objects and improve powers of concentration and telepathy, protection of familiars and household pets, earth and faerie magick.


In creating incense, a part Measurement can be as small as a teaspoon and as large a cup. It will depend on how much you wish to make and store.


Cunningham’s Lughnasadh Incense
2 parts Frankincense
1 part Heather
1 part  Apple blossoms
1 pinch of blackberry leaves
a few drops of Ambergris

Sun God Incense
1 part Frankincense,
1 part Benzoin,
1 part Cinnamon,
1/2 part Coriander

Financial Increase Incense
1/4 part Cucumber
3/4 part Allspice
1 part Sunflower,
1/4 part Saw Palmetto
1/2 part Marigold

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