Herb of the Week: Calendula

Herb of the Week

Herb of the Week: Calendula

This week’s herb is Calendula. I chose it because, as noted by Albertus Magnus in the first English edition of his Book of Secrets. I, too, consider the virtues of marigold to be “marvelous.”

Calendula[Calendula Officinalis] Also called pot marigold, marigold, garden marigold, holigold, mary bud

Gender: Masculine, Element: Fire, Planet: Sun,

Calendula (Asteraceae) includes approximately 25 herbaceous annual or perennial species, the most common being Calendula officinalis Linn., Calendula arvensis Linn.,

Herbal and Healing:

Healing Properties: anti-inflammatory,antibacterial,antiseptic,anti-fungal, antioxidant, immune support, lymphagogue,vulnerary, emmenagogue,cholagogue

The flower is widely used as a medicinal plant whose antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties make it a strong ingredient for healing. In addition to using whole petals, Calendula flowers can be ground into powder or made into oils, creams, and ointments.

Calendula has been traditionally used in the treatment of inflammations of internal organs, gastrointestinal ulcers, and dysmenorrhea and as a diuretic and diaphoretic in convulsions. It is also used for inflammations of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa, wounds, and burns. It is a cleansing, and detoxifying herb the infusion treats chronic infections. The dried flower heads have been used for their antipyretic, anti-tumor, and cicatrizing effects. A topical application of infusion of flowers is used as an antifungal and antiseptic in wounds, marks, freckles, sprain, and conjunctivitis. Calendula tea is used for eyewashes, gargles, diaper rashes, and other inflammatory conditions of the skin and mucous membranes. As an emmenagogue, it can stimulate menstruation, especially if late, and aid in period-related cramps.

 MAGICAL PROPERTIES: consecration, protection, prophecy, sun energy, positive outcomes, reclaiming boundaries, wealth, love spells, marriage, spiritual growth, legal matters

Calendula is carried into court for a favorable verdict. In the mattress, it encourages prophetic dreams. Placed under the bed, it can make dreams come true. Added to bathwater, it helps attract respect and admiration. Marigold has a history of being used to aid sight and dispel illusions. It is said that it can provide visions to reclaim stolen property. It can be used alone or mixed with dry incense to concentrate tools of divination. Marigold petals can be strewn around one’s circle to provide the magick of consecration with an added protective flavor. It was suggested by Albertus Magnus in the first English edition of his Book of Secrets to carry marigolds wrapped in a bay leaf with a Wolf’s Tooth[wolf bane] to stop gossip. I would add that Wolf’s Tooth is poison, so would suggest you try the combination without the Wolf’s tooth.

Recipes: Calendula petals may be macerated in sunflower oil to create an oil for consecration.

You can find a collection of dried calendula flowers and teas at Crystal Dawn Books and Gifts