Weekly Tarot Reading June 28, 2021 – July 4, 2021 – Tarot by Lady Dyanna
Divination,  Tarot,  Weekly Tarot

Weekly Tarot Reading June 28, 2021 – July 4, 2021 – Tarot by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Tarot Reading June 28, 2021 – July 4, 2021 – Tarot by Lady Dyanna

Be prepared to take a stand for what you believe. You are going to be called on to defend what you hold to be true. By facing up to the challenge you will refine your principles, gain courage, developed character. However, before you jump off the deep end ask yourself what you truly believe. If you are confident in your perspective then don’t back down. On that note, we are off to a challenging week. You are advised to be careful what you set in motion because it will be nearly impossible to halt. So ask yourself what you are rushing into and why. If the rapid action is in line with your ultimate goals then enjoy the ride. Once started things will move along quickly. Midweek you will be able to take a break and hang with friends. Either accept invitations from friends or extend invitations to friends. If you are on the lookout for a new relationship you may find it at one of the gatherings you are hosting or invited to. The rest of the week you will need to pay attention to how you are using your energy. If you feel resentful or exhausted look for ways to give of yourself in more balanced ways. Also if you are not getting what you expect in a situation look at what you are giving, If this energy is around a relationship then you are reminded to pay attention to how you give and take with that person. By the end of the week, you are advised to be rational when making decisions, it is possible you need more information before making a decision so do not let yourself be pushed into choices you are not ready to make. It may be wise to withdraw in order to contemplate your options. If you are denying the truth or compartmentalizing some aspect of your life in order to not have to deal with it you are now going to need to face what you do not wish to deal with in order to make a good decision. If you are staying in an unhealthy situation whether professional or personal now is the time to take admit that you want a change. It feels like it might be time to be true to yourself. If winning means remaining in a situation that is stressing you out and draining your energy it might be time to realize that winning is not the most important thing right now. This week is going to push you to make decisions and defend what you believe about yourself and the situation you have been enduring or creating up until now. By Independence Day you may feel the desire to make your own bid for independence by letting go of situations and beliefs that no longer support your long-term goals.




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