Ravenhawks Ritual Box
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Ravenhawks Ritual Boxes for Lughnasadh/Lammas

Ravenhawks Ritual Box

Ravenhawks has begun taking orders for its Lughnasadh Ritual Boxes. We will take orders until July 19th. Looking forward to sharing Lughnasadh magick with you and being part of your Solstice Rituals. The focus of this sabbat box is abundance magicks and continued success. Lughnasadh/Lamma is the first harvest so we will include something to help you complete or harvest what you have begun earlier in the year.

Here is a project that you can work on in regards to your own personal Harvest:

Inner Harvest Wreath
by Cait Johnson
1. Give some real-time and thought to your own harvests over the past year. What did you learn? What did you do? How have you grown, deepened, or changed? What were the major events or accomplishments you would like to honor?

2. Find small ways to represent these inner harvests. For example, if you just bought your first home, a tiny house carved out of wood or shaped from clay would make a perfect addition to the wreath. If your child just learned how to ride a two-wheeler, she or he could draw a small bike on a piece of cardboard to glue on. I might include one of my new Care2 business cards, folded and tied with a gold ribbon. My son could make a small copy of the letter telling him he won a contest for young artists and roll it up like a scroll. My sweetheart just became a yoga instructor, so he might make a tiny yoga mat. You could cut discs of wood from a fallen branch and paint them with personal harvest symbols. Take some time as a family to think and talk about your achievements.

3. You may want to harvest some wild grapevine and twist it into a circle shape or you could buy a premade grapevine wreath to be the base for your creation.

3. Using non-toxic wood glue or green wreath wire, glue or attach your symbols to the wreath base. Add any decoration that strikes your fancy: autumn leaves, nuts or seed pods, dried flower-heads, corn necklaces (see the September ‘03 issue of Care2 Lifestyle for a How-To), feathers, crystals, apples cut in thin slices through the center and dried–all would make pretty additions to your wreath.

Happy Creating!