Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of October 4 - October 10, 2021 by Lady Dyanna
Divination,  Oracle Decks,  Weekly Oracle Reading

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of October 4 – October 10, 2021 by Lady Dyanna

This week’s oracle reading is from Fairy Wisdom Oracle

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of October 4 - October 10, 2021 by Lady Dyanna

The card for this week is Autumn

Keyword: Releasing

In the autumn, the fairies dash about checking to make sure that all the leaves are falling., Sometimes a leaf needs a little nudge and the fairies are happy to oblige! The fairies have a lot to do before they can rest in winter. For us humans, autumn is about letting go. Just like the trees retract their sap in winter, we retract our energy. The autumn card tells you to store your energy up for yourself right now!! Feel your energies beginning to collect around you and pull them inward close to your body. Conserve energy! If you have drawn this card. You are being told to let go of the old habits and ideas that tend to take up energy that can be better used elsewhere. It is a time of sorting. A time to release old stuff and just see what is truly precious to you, and what you really want to keep in your life. This may be a time of weeding out, so that you can do the prep work for new project in your life. If your energy feels lower, don’t panic. Flow with nature’s cycles and rest and relax. Autumn offers us magical qualities that inspire reflection and thinking. Go deeper down into your root to reflect on where your life is going and where you want it to go. It is also a good time to do some writing or journaling. This may be a day for you to just curl up under a quilt with a good movie and a hot cup of tea!


Chant: I go to that deep place within myself. I experienced moving down into my center of being. A deep calmness fills my body and soul. I am still, yet very much alive! I feel my heart beating in a strong, steady, rhythm. I am here for myself. So be it!

Follow the wind today!

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