Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of October 11 - October 17, 2021 by Lady Dyanna
Divination,  Oracle Decks,  Weekly Oracle Reading

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of October 11 – October 17, 2021 by Lady Dyanna

This week’s reading is from Spirit of the Wheel meditation deck by Ewashina & Bergsma

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of October 11 - October 17, 2021 by Lady Dyanna

The card for this week is Ducks Fly Moon [September 23 -October 23]

Keywords: synchronicity, balance, certainty

Ducks Fly Moon brings about the changes that are necessary to achieve inner balance. Because of this moon’s extreme polarity of opposites, people born under this sign feel great confusion or complete balance in their lives. There seems to be no in between. The message in this card is one of bringing the self back into a state of balance. Let go of all judgments or ego attachments and become a bridge between the earth and sky. Feel the nurturing, grounding energies of the Earth Mother while remaining connected to the divine flow that feeds your spiritual essence. When you reach this state, the magic of Raven is revealed to you through miracles, synchronicity, inner peace, and joy. You know with complete certainty that you are on your destined path. Once you have achieved inner balance you are often called upon to teach others and to help bring balance into the world around you. This card is a reminder that you can make a difference, but you must begin by bringing yourself back into balance.

Prayer: Great Spirit, help me to bring my body, mind, and spirit into a state of balance. Let my heart be an open bridge to others by staying connected to the energies of the Earth Mother as well as that of the divine.