Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of February 21, 2022 - February 27, 2022 by Lady Dyanna
Divination,  Oracle Decks,  Weekly Oracle Reading

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of February 21, 2022 – February 27, 2022 by Lady Dyanna

This week’s reading is from Celtic Tree Oracle

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of February 21, 2022 - February 27, 2022 by Lady Dyanna

 The card for this week is Nuin Ash


Keywords: the microcosm and the macrocosm, reflection. mirrors, uniting inner and outer worlds, “As Above, So Below”

The Nuin Ash initiates in the fifth lunation of the year. This tree represents the world tree. Yggdrasil, from the Norse God Odin, hung for nine days and nights and was rewarded with the runes. Surrender and compassion are this tree’s message, as it teaches us about receptivity and intuition. Ash invites us to dive deep into our own inner wisdom. It is here that we meet the mystery. This is the place of enchantment and magic:  We have the influence of water and the magic of the water sprites and mermaids. We follow the cycles of the moon. We drift into dreams and visions reverie. The ogham for this tree is Nuin and the letter N.

Nuin Ash in a reading

When you get Ash in a reading expect to connect with your own inner tree, which represents your center and connects you with your inner world and the outer world. Here you experience the meaning of the axiom “As Above, So Below.” This is a place of great guidance. It links you to universal knowledge and can help you understand yourself -your thoughts, feelings, and actions. To access this knowledge pay attention to your dreams. Seek communication with your higher self and with divinity. Follow your intuition and the dictates of your higher heart and mind.

The Nuin Ash is less about doing and more about being- and about noticing. Therefore, pay attention to what is showing up in your life. Your outer world reflects your inner world. If you see things that you are not happy with. Begin to make changes. Changes within will reflect in the outer world; changes without will reflect in the inner world. You are also encouraged to participate in ritual and ceremony, so consider seeking spiritual community. If you are immersed in grief, reach out to your community for help so that you don’t drown in your own sorrows. Know that this will pass too. On the other hand, if you are involved in a project, you may have to put in long hours in seclusion to complete your work; you might need to block out the world for some time. If so you feel lonely, but it is worth it to bring your work to fruition. Perhaps it is time to help someone else. This is often a great balm for one’s own sadness. Embrace your feminine side and your intuition, your deep sympathetic nature, your empathy, and your ability to feel. Choose healing and spiritual; experience love indulgence and escapism.


I am the stately Nuin Ash. I have come to tell you that it is safe to dive into your interior world. Here you can receive guidance, healing, and assurance. If you find that you are not moving forward, try to practice patience and keep your intentions clear. Sometimes you are asked to wait for perfect alignment between the right moment and what you desire. Check in. When you create a strong loving field, you draw to you what it is you desire, because like attracts like.

Sometimes restraint is necessary as the Universe lines up the building blocks for what you want to manifest. I am here to teach you patience and faith. Sometimes we are asked to mend fences or clean up your act before things can fall into place. Forgiving self and others is important. Try to find the time to help someone else. This is the best medicine for a broken heart.

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