Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of March 21, 2022 - March 27, 2022, by Lady Dyanna
Divination,  Oracle Decks,  Weekly Oracle Reading

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of March 21, 2022 – March 27, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

This week’s reading is from Celtic Tree Oracle

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of March 21, 2022 - March 27, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

 The card for this week is Huathe Hawthorn

 Keywords: cleansing and purification, chastity and abstinence, sabbatical, preparation, magic, protection of the sacred, sacred marriage

The Huathe Hawthorn initiates in the sixth lunation. It is during this portal that we celebrate the spring equinox, which heralds in the planting season. Persephone returns to her mother, Demeter, now, and a new cycle of life begins. This period is for cleansing and purification. We are called to protect the inner realm and ready ourselves for Beltane on May 1. We prepare our gardens for the seeds we want to plant. We clear the fields. The Hawthorn teaches us to purify ourselves as we prepare for the sacred marriage,  which calls for the union of male and female, as well as the union of intellect and mind with feeling and intuition. This marriage establishes true power and wholeness. The ogham for this tree is Huathe and the letter H.

Huathe Hawthorn in a Reading

Hawthorn asks you to spend some sacred time in preparation for a meaningful birth experience. You are encouraged to clean up your act, let go of what no longer serves you, and treat your body, mind, and soul with sacred respect. This is a time for spring cleaning, which not only applies to your home and work environment and your garden but also your inner environment. Take time to put everything in order. Clean out your closets. Clean the house. Clean up your files on your computer. Let go of that which no longer has meaning for you or you no longer use. Have a garage sale. Donate unwanted things to a charity.
Let go of old stories that are painful. Forgive. You are encouraged to set aside quiet time and go within. Clean out old and unnecessary thought patterns and unhelpful emotional patterns and let them go. You may be ready to let go of behavioral ruts or habits.
You may also be asked to protect your inner truth from something outside. Attention to your relationship with yourself, with nature, and with the Divine are essential to maintain self-sovereignty. Ask Hawthorn to encircle and protect your sacred space. Clean up your altar and spend some time recreating the energy. This tree supports chastity, and so it can represent a time out for purification. This can have to do with fasting, prayer, meditation, and abstinence from sex or overindulgence.
Huathe Hawthorn also speaks of reconnecting to the magic and mystery of nature. Do you believe in fairies? You can reconnect to the unseen realms of the elementals. You can reconnect to the mythical world of dragons and unicorns. Close your eyes and go within and recall what it felt like to be a child and see the world through innocent eyes and with a joyful heart. Magic is real and is only waiting for your invitation.


I am the Huathe Hawthorn and am often referred to as the fairy tree. Do you remember when you believed in magic and the world of fairies and unicorns? Can you remember how it felt to be an innocent child full of awe and wonder? It is time to renew your belief in the unseen realm of nature, as this realm is as real as the high whistle that your dog can hear, but you cannot. Your eyes and ears are awesome indeed, but they are not so highly attuned that they can see or hear all that surrounds you. Bring your attention to the eyes and ears within. There, through your psychic abilities, you’ll discover dimensions of great love, care, and unity. Close your eyes and remember. See the fairies dancing and singing amidst the flowers and trees. Enjoy the babbling brook and the little animals that live at the foot of the tree. Return to the natural world of magic. Return to the slow and steady beat of the heart of Gaia. Return to the paradise that she is. Return to the secret majesty that lives within and without you!

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