Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of April 18, 2022 – April 24, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of April 18, 2022 - April 24, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

This week’s reading is from Oracle of the Dragonfae

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of April 18, 2022 - April 24, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

 The card for this week is The Blue Lady

Key Words: Nothing is impossible


The Blue Lady speaks:
“Nothing is impossible. Nothing. Those who tell you now that what you wish for, that what you yearn for, that the road you take is too hard, too difficult, too challenging… That it is not for you, for yours is not of the adventure of the dream, yours is of compromise and soul heartbreak. I am here to tell you they are wrong. Do not be angry with them; they are only speaking with the voices of the others who also feared… Their true voices they have forgotten and buried. Because to remember them now hurts them so, as they feel the distance between who they really are, and who they have allowed themselves to become. Do not fall into their illusion, their resistance will grow stronger, so be prepared, but the strength that is within you, if fed and supported, will grow till the seemingly impossible is made real. Nothing is impossible and your dreams have a chance of coming true. Most of all, you have a chance to be truly yourself, rather than the cut down to size version others wish you to be. There is no safety in diminishing who you truly are. Be yourself. Follow the dream and listen to your own clear, calm, inner voice. Be guided to do the impossible now”
Divinatory meanings
People may be speaking to you from their fear; they tell you that what you wish for and hope for cannot be. And it’s not about the mundane, it is about precious jewels of hope that form our existence and our identity. The question truly is: who do you wish to be? An amalgamation of the fear and conditioning of others? Or do you wish to bravely be yourself and rest the falls that may come? Because The Lady of the Blue Rose tells you that falls will come, as will resistance, but she also tells you that breaking through to the other reality is your role this lifetime: to carve out a path for yourself and to light the way for other travelers. You are unlimited – do not allow the fear to bind you and burden you. You are free, and as such, the impossible is simply an act of magical will and self-determination.
Working with the Blue Lady
Summon your inner courage and cast away the thought that courage is muscled and wears armor and shield. Courage can be gentle and delicate too: it simply needs to stay true to who it is and what it does. Take steps to separate advice that comes from experience (wisdom) and advice that comes from fear (conditioning.) Understand that you are the being who must make the decision about your path: no matter how caught up and bound you feel you are, there is always a way to be truly free. And that is by expressing the essence of you and being true to your own heart and talents and powers. Stay strong, stay true, and do not waiver. Call on the Blue Lady, and she will gently guide you in finding others who can mentor you through the ” impossibles” will also be of great assistance at this time. Also, take time to clarify your own conditioning, and make a renewed commitment to come from your talent and your gifts, and your truth each and every day. Small, powerful moments of courage create a life fully lived




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