Herb of the Week

Herb of the Week: Chrysanthemums

Herb of the Week: Chrysanthemums

Herb of the Week: Chrysanthemums

This week’s herb is Chrysanthemums

Chrysanthemums[Chrysanthemum morifolium] common name Mums, Ju Hua,

Gender: Masculine, Element: Fire, Planet: Sun,

Asteraceae (Compositae)  can be found in over 30 different species.

Herbal and Healing:

Healing Properties: Increase sweating, Antiseptic, Lower Blood Pressure, Cooling, Reduce Fever

White and yellow chrysanthemum flowers are often used to make tea and various flavorings. In traditional medicine, chrysanthemums have been used to treat chest pain, high blood pressure, diabetes, headaches, dizziness, and more. The flower has the ability to increase blood flow to the heart and has also been found to increase a person’s sensitivity to insulin. In natural medicine, the roots are sometimes boiled to treat headaches. Health products containing chrysanthemums also claim to help lower blood sugar. The infused flower heads are popular as a remedy for red, sore eyes, The warm flower heads are placed on closed eyes and replaced when cool.  An infusion of chrysanthemums can be used to reduce fever, counter infections, and detoxify the body. The fresh leaves make an antiseptic poultice for acne, pimples, boils, and sores. Note: if you are allergic to ragweed and daisy, you could experience an allergic reaction to mums.

 MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Love, Joy, Protection, Forgiveness

Protect your home and its occupants, release anger, and invite forgiveness. Chrysanthemums will bless and protect your home if you plant them around your house or place them inside as potted plants. It will also help you release any limiting beliefs that are holding you back. To forgive yourself or others, place a Chrysanthemum plant on your altar. To evoke forgiveness and deepen your soul connection float several flower heads in your bath.


Recipes: Make an infusion of flowerheads for tension headaches, and drink 1 cup at hourly intervals.

You can find a collection of chrysanthemum teas at Crystal Dawn Books and Gifts




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