Herb of the Week: Heather

Herb of the Week

Herb of the Week: Heather

Herb of the Week: Heather

This week’s herb is Heather

Heather[Calluna vulgaris] common names: Common Heather, Scot’s heather, Heath, Froach, Ling, Scotch heather

Gender: feminine, Element: Water, Planet: Venus,

Heather, is the sole species in the genus Calluna in the flowering plant family Ericaceae. Small, branched shrub, grows to 2ft. Has tiny leaves and white, pink or pale purple flowers. It is found on heaths, moors, bogs, and in open woods. The herb is gathered when in flower in late summer. The flower, leaf, and plant top are used to make medicine.

Herbal and Healing:

Healing Properties: antiseptic, astringent, diuretic, cleansing, detoxifying, expectorant, antimicrobial

Heather is a good urinary antiseptic and diuretic, disinfecting the urinary tract and mildly increasing urine production.  Besides its role in treating cystic and inflammatory bladder conditions, heather has been used to treat kidney and bladder stones. It is a cleansing and detoxifying herb, helpful for rheumatism, arthritis, and gout. The plant is often macerated and made into a liniment for treating rheumatism and arthritis.  A hot poultice of heather tips is a traditional remedy for chilblains. The flowering shoots of heather are used to suppress coughs, insomnia, stomach pains, and skin problems. Note: Heather may raise the blood pressure slightly.

 MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Protection, Rain-making, luck,

White heather brings good luck and protects the one who wears it. Dip heather and fern in water and sprinkle around to conjure rain. Heather is sacred to the Goddess Isis.

Recipes: Flowering tips in a poultice ease the aches and pains of rheumatism.

You can find a Bach Flower Remedies Rescue Heather Spray  at Crystal Dawn Books and Gifts




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