Herb of the Week

Herb of the Week

Herb of the Week: Elder

Herb of the Week

This week’s herb is Elder.

Elder( Sambucus nigra) Family: N.O. Caprifoliaceae Common names: Black Elder. Common Elder. Pipe Tree. Bore Tree. Bour Tree, fairy tree, bat tree, sweet elder, tree of doom

The fragrant elder tree, with its abundance of white flowers, is found almost everywhere in Europe, West Asia, and North America. It has been called the “medicine chest of the country people” as it has so many health benefits. Elder Flowers and Elder Berries have long been used in the English countryside for making many homemade drinks and preserves that are almost as great favorites now as in the time of our great-grandmothers. The berries make an excellent home-made wine and winter cordial, which improves with age and is taken hot with sugar, just before going to bed; it is an old-fashioned and well-established cure for a cold. Elderflowers can be used as a gargle for sore throats, a mouthwash for mouth ulcers and inflamed gums, and an eyewash for conjunctivitis and sore, tired eyes.   As a tea or distilled water, elderflower can be used as a toning lotion for chilblains, wounds, bruises, burns, sprains, swollen joints, skin eruptions, sunburn, itchy skin conditions, and piles and to keep away mosquitoes.

Herbal and Healing:

Healing Properties: [Flowers:] Relaxant, antioxidant, adaptogen, decongestant, expectorant, bronchodilator, diuretic, alterative, immune-enhancing, diaphoretic, nervine, emollient, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, febrifuge. [Berries:] Laxative, astringent, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, antioxidant, nervine.

Elderflowers and berries are antimicrobial and decongestant, particularly useful for respiratory and gut infections and for catarrhal problems. The berries have antiviral action, inhibiting colds, Influenza A and B, and Herpes, and may be helpful in HIV. “Sambucol,” a preparation of elderberry, activates immunity by increasing cytokine production. Elderberries have a collagen-stabilizing action, useful for healing connective tissue and reducing swelling in varicose veins, hemorrhoids, sprains, and arthritis.  A hot infusion of the flowers is diaphoretic, reduces fevers and brings out the rash in eruptive infections, including measles and chicken pox, and hastens recovery. Elderflowers are antispasmodic and astringent to the gut, protecting it against irritation and inflammation. They are useful for heartburn, indigestion, gastritis, diarrhea, gastroenteritis, colic, and wind. A hot infusion of the flowers is beneficial at the onset of colds, fevers, flu, tonsillitis, and laryngitis.  Elder’s decongestant and relaxant effects are indicated in catarrh, bronchial congestion, asthma, and tight coughs.  The berries are good at the onset of cold or flu symptoms to ward off infection.

 MAGICAL PROPERTIES: Forgiveness, regeneration, stability, protection, healing, prosperity, exorcisms, sleep, burial rites

Gender: Feminine Element: Water Planet: Venus Goddess: Venus

Hang branches and twigs over doors and windows to ward off evil and negative energy; carry the berries for the same purpose. This tree is sacred to many Mother Goddess figures, due to its white flowers. Grown in the garden, the elder protects the household against the ravages of sorcery and shields it from lighting. Grown near the home, the elder gives prosperity to the household, and the sticks placed about the house protect against robbers and snakes. Elder is used at weddings to bring good luck to the couple. Place elderberries beneath your pillow if you have difficulty sleeping. They will allow you to slumber peacefully.


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