Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of November 28, 2022 - December 4, 2022, by Lady Dyanna
Divination,  Oracle Decks,  Weekly Oracle Reading

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of November 28, 2022 – December 4, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

This week’s reading is from Oracle of the Dragonfae by Lucy Cavendish

Weekly Oracle Reading for the Week of November 28, 2022 - December 4, 2022, by Lady Dyanna

 The card for this week is The Lady Alfreda

Justice will prevail

Divinatory meanings

It is time to get real and own what you have previously blamed on others. This does not mean blaming yourself. Instead, work on shifting your own karmic residue [Dragonfae are wonderful at this] and understanding the connection between what you have sent out and what you have created. Issues of law, justice, and karma. Fearful thoughts around what you see to be the darkness or black magick, not understanding just how the natural law works, thus this card asks you to look to your own intent. Clear your space; work with your dark times to understand the lessons. Make friends with our shadow and thank it for the lessons.

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