The Magical Summer Solstice/Lithia


The Magical Summer Solstice/Lithia

The summer solstice, also known as Lithia in some pagan traditions, is the longest day of the year and a time to celebrate the sun’s power. It occurs when the earth’s axis is tilted most towards the sun, usually around June 21st in the northern hemisphere and December 21st in the southern hemisphere.

The summer solstice is a magical time of abundance, joy, and creativity. It is a time to honor the life-giving force of the sun and to connect with its radiant energy. It is also a time to acknowledge the balance between light and dark, as after the solstice, the days will gradually become shorter and the nights longer.

There are many ways to celebrate the summer solstice and to tap into its magic. Here are some ideas:

– Create a sun altar. Decorate a table or a corner of your room with items that represent the sun, such as candles, flowers, crystals, fruits, and symbols of fire. You can also include images or statues of sun gods and goddesses from different cultures, such as Ra, Apollo, Amaterasu, or Sol.
– Watch the sunrise and sunset. Wake up early and greet the sun as it rises over the horizon. Express your gratitude for its warmth and light. In the evening, watch the sunset and reflect on how it has illuminated your day. You can also make a wish or set an intention as you watch the sun disappear.
– Make a flower crown. Gather fresh flowers from your garden or a nearby field and weave them into a crown. You can also add ribbons, beads, or feathers to make it more festive. Wear your flower crown as you celebrate the solstice and feel like a fairy or a goddess.
– Have a bonfire. Light a fire in your backyard or join a public bonfire if there is one in your area. Fire is a symbol of the sun and its transformative power. You can dance around the fire, sing songs, tell stories, or perform rituals. You can also write down something you want to release or manifest on a piece of paper and throw it into the fire.
– Do some sun salutations. Sun salutations are a series of yoga poses that honor the sun and warm up your body. You can do them in the morning or anytime during the day. They are especially powerful if you do them outdoors, facing the sun’s direction. You can also chant “Om” or “Ram” as you do them, which are sounds associated with the sun.

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