Herb of the Month: Heliotrope
Herb of the Month,  Herbs

Herb of the Month: Heliotrope


Herb of the Month: Heliotrope

About the Plant: Heliotrope Heliotropium indicum[Common Names; Cherry Pie Flower, Garden Heliotrope, Monkey Tail, Seaside Heliotrope, Quail Plant, Salt Heliotrope, and Chinese Parsley.

Heliotropium indicum, also known as Indian heliotrope or Indian turnsole, is a plant with a long history of medicinal and magical uses. It belongs to the Boraginaceae family and is native to Asia, but has spread to many other regions of the world as a weed. It has hairy stems, oval leaves, and small white or purple flowers that form a curved cluster.

In traditional medicine, Heliotropium indicum is used to treat various ailments, such as wounds, skin ulcers, furuncles, and conjunctivitis. The juice extracted from the pounded leaves is applied externally or used as eye drops. The leaves are also used as poultices to reduce inflammation and pain.

In magic, Heliotropium indicum is associated with the sun and the element of fire. It is said to have the power to attract love, success, and prosperity. It can also be used for protection, purification, and healing. Some ways to use Heliotropium indicum in magic are:

– Carry some dried leaves or flowers in a sachet or amulet to attract good luck and positive energy.
– Burn some leaves or flowers as incense to cleanse your space and remove negative influences.
– Sprinkle some juice or water infused with the leaves or flowers around your home or business to draw customers and clients.
– Add some leaves or flowers to your bath water to enhance your beauty and charisma.
– Place some leaves or flowers under your pillow to induce prophetic dreams and visions.

Heliotropium indicum is a versatile and powerful plant that can help you achieve your goals and improve your well-being. Try incorporating it into your practice and see what it can do for you.

CAUTION Be careful when using Heliotropium indicum, which contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which are toxic and can cause liver damage if ingested.

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