A Witch for Every Season: My Version of the Wheel

NOVEMBER 14, 2022, BY RACHEL PATTERSON READ TIME: 11 MINS When I first began my Pagan journey, I was presented with the Wheel of the Year with which it seemed most Pagans worked. I learned all the dates and correspondences, which took me ages, and I often forgot what was supposed to be where! But I duly… Continue reading A Witch for Every Season: My Version of the Wheel

Lammas/Lughnasadh Color and Incense


Lammas/Lughnasadh Color and Incense Color: Brown=Special Favors To Influence Friendships, Animals, Home, locate lost objects and improve powers of concentration and telepathy, protection of familiars and household pets, earth and faerie magick. Incense In creating incense, a part Measurement can be as small as a teaspoon and as large a cup. It will depend on… Continue reading Lammas/Lughnasadh Color and Incense

Lammas/Lughnasadh Herb

Sandalwood Lammas/Lughnasadh Herb Sandalwood Botanical: Santalum album (LINN.) Family: N.O. Santalaceae. A small tree 20 to 30 feet high, with many opposite slender drooping branches, bark smooth grey-brown. Young twigs glabrous; leaves opposite, without stipules, petiole slender, about 1/2 inch long, blade 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inches long, oval, ovate-oval or lanceolate, acute or… Continue reading Lammas/Lughnasadh Herb

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