The Moment of Magic: The Importance of Magical Timing

FEBRUARY 06, 2023 BY FRATER BARRABBAS READ TIME: 8 MINS Many people work magic when the urge or the need prompts them to do so. Sometimes people will acknowledge the cycle of the moon to plan their workings accordingly. Yet overall, the timing of a magical working is hardly considered as an important part of the magic. If the magic to… Continue reading The Moment of Magic: The Importance of Magical Timing

The Wisdom of the Celtic Tree Ogham

Close-up of birch in Finland

NOVEMBER 15, 2021 BY SHARLYN HIDALGO READ TIME: 12 MINS Having just completed my third book on the Celtic Tree Ogham, I am thrilled that it will be out in November for you. It is titled Celtic Tree Ogham: Rituals and Teachings of the Aicme Ailim Vowels and the Forfeda. In this book, I explore the last five ogham… Continue reading The Wisdom of the Celtic Tree Ogham

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