• Herb of the Month: Blessed Thistle
    Herb of the Month,  Herbs

    Herb of the Month: Blessed Thistle

    Blessed Thistle About the Plant: Blessed Thistle Cnicus benedictus[Common Names; St. Benedict’s thistle, blessed thistle, holy thistle,  spotted thistle. Blessed Thistle is an annual plant growing to 60 cm tall, with leathery, hairy leaves up to 30 cm long…

  • Herb of the Month: Heliotrope
    Herb of the Month,  Herbs

    Herb of the Month: Heliotrope

    Heliotrope About the Plant: Heliotrope Heliotropium indicum[Common Names; Cherry Pie Flower, Garden Heliotrope, Monkey Tail, Seaside Heliotrope, Quail Plant, Salt Heliotrope, and Chinese Parsley. Heliotropium indicum, also known as Indian heliotrope or Indian…

  • Herbs

    Herb of the Week

    Herb of the Week: White Pine This week’s herb is White Pine. White Pine( pinus strobus ) Family: Pinaceae, Common names: soft pine, eastern white pine, northern white pine, and Weymouth pine. White…

  • Herbs

    Herb of the Week

    Herb of the Week: Mugwort This week’s herb is Mugwort. Mugwort(Artemisia vulgaris) Family:  Asteraceae, Other Names: Artemisia, Hierba de San Juan, Armoise, Vulgaris herba, Felon herb, St. John’s herb, Chrysanthemum weed, Herbe royale. Mugworts…

  • Herb of the Week: Thyme

    Herb of the Week

    Herb of the Week: Thyme This week’s herb is: Garden Thyme Thyme [Thymus Vulgaris]Garden Thyme Gender: Feminine, Element: Water, Planet: Venus Thyme  is a perennial with a woody, fibrous root. The stems are…

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