Ostara Crafts: Pysanky Eggs
Ostara,  Sabbats,  Spring Equinox

Pysanky Eggs: Ostara Crafts

Ostara Crafts for rituals and decorations

Pysanky Eggs: Ostara Crafts: Ostara Crafts: Pysanky Eggs

This season’s decorating favorites include eggs, Pysanky Eggs, chicks, bunnies, and the first flowers of spring. All of which ties in with Ostara the Vernal Equinox so welcome spring and keep them out until Easter if you like. To be able to keep the eggs around that long I recommend that you remove the insides of the eggs then decorate the empty shells. You can use styrofoam eggs for your decorative endeavors too.

The symbolic image of the egg is almost as important as its organic aspect. Don’t overlook using eggs crafted from wood, or plastic too.
Below is an idea for decorating eggs:
Pysanky Eggs
This can be a family endeavor, parents’ choice.
These eggs were decorated using Ukrainian folk art. The ancient Ukrainian folk art of wax-and-dye egg decorating. To create these designs, stick metal pins in pencil erasers. Now dip the pinheads in melted wax, and draw wax patterns on hard-boiled eggs before dyeing them.

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