Ravenhawk’s Ritual Boxes

Ravenhawks Ritual Box

Ravenhawk’s Ritual Boxes

Ravenhawks Ritual Box

Ravenhawk’s Beltane Ritual Boxes

We have reworked the Ritual Boxes and are now offering the new Ritual boxes in time for Beltane. Ritual Boxes will be offered eight times each year in Keeping with the Wheel of the Year. We are currently taking orders for the Beltane and Litha Boxes.
The Ravenhawk’s Ritual Box will have at least 5 items that can be used for your own personal Wheel of the Year Ritual. It will also have at least 5 items to use for specific spellwork. There is an extensive list of spells that correspond with each Wheel of the Year celebration. Ravenhawk’s Ritual Box will pick a theme for the spellwork and include items to use in your spell. It will also include a spell that you may use if you wish.
20 Stick Incense Corresponding to the Wheel of the Year Ritual
20 Stick Incense Corresponding to Spell work
Crystals Corresponding to Wheel of the Year Ritual
Crystals Corresponding to the Spellwork
Black Crystal Journey Votive for [protection]
White Crystal Journey Votive[Cleansing]
Sage Bundle for smudging
Wheel of the Year appropriate herb[1-2 oz]
Ritual Bath Salt[Protection or Cleansing 8oz]
Spell Candles[8-inch Beeswax taper]
Spell appropriate anointing oil[2 drams]
Spell appropriate herb[1-2oz]
Spell appropriate bath salt[8oz]
Spell appropriate charm
Ritual appropriate tool our choice[oil warmer, oracle deck, incense burner, pentacle, journal, etc..]

Small Ritual Box

Ravenhawk's Small Ritual box will have 5 - 7 items that can be used for your wheel of the Year Ritual.

Custom Ritual Box
The choose your own Ritual box allows you to choose the items that you wish to receive in your ritual box.


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