Ravenhawk’s Ritual Boxes

Ravenhawk’s Ritual Boxes Ravenhawk’s Beltane Ritual Boxes We have reworked the Ritual Boxes and are now offering the new Ritual boxes in time for Beltane. Ritual Boxes will be offered eight times each year in Keeping with the Wheel of the Year. We are currently taking orders for the Beltane and Litha Boxes. The Ravenhawk’s… Continue reading Ravenhawk’s Ritual Boxes

Sabbat Boxes

Ravenhawk’s is now introducing Sabbat Boxes. The basic Sabbat boxes will have the ingredients for a simple solitary sabbat celebration. Candles, herbs, incense, smudge stick, special candle holders, and anointing oil. A list of correspondences for the sabbat, recipes, and rituals. The Sabbat Box will be shipped out at least 3 weeks before the Sabbat.… Continue reading Sabbat Boxes

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