Herb of the Week

Herb of the Week: Mugwort

Herb of the Week: Mugwort

This week’s herb is Mugwort.

Mugwort(Artemisia vulgarisFamily:  Asteraceae, Other Names: Artemisia, Hierba de San Juan, Armoise, Vulgaris herba, Felon herb, St. John’s herb, Chrysanthemum weed, Herbe royale.

Mugworts have been used medicinally and as culinary herbs. The parts that grow above the ground and the root are used to make medicine. is a flowering plant native to northern Europe, Asia, and parts of North America. The sage-colored plant is commonly used for beer-making but is also thought to prevent or treat health conditions like anxiety, digestion problems, and irregular periods, among others. Mugwort grows about three feet tall and has angular stems that are often a purplish hue.  The plant is gathered when in flower and is then dried,

Herbal and Healing:

Healing Properties: nervine, emmenagogue,  antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, 

It has stimulant and slightly tonic properties and is of value as a nervine and emmenagogue, also having diuretic and diaphoretic action. Its chief employment is as an emmenagogue, often in combination with Pennyroyal and Southernwood. It is also useful as a diaphoretic in the commencement of cold. Mugwort taken orally is believed to be good for digestive problems, irregular menstruation, and high blood pressure. It is also promoted as a sedative, laxative, and liver tonic. It is a uterine stimulant that can bring on delayed menstruation and aid in cramping.  A topical lotion containing mugwort and menthol relieves itching associated with hypertrophic scars from severe burns. Mugwort has been used to Relieve stress, boost energy. Improve sleep. Promote blood circulation, Relieve headaches, Support liver health, Relieve itch, Increase urine output, Ease digestion problems, Repel insects, and normalize menstrual cycles. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have hay fever, do not use this plant.

 MAGICAL PROPERTIES:  Astral projection, Prophetic dreams, Protection, Psychic power, Fertility, Divination, Purification

Gender: Feminine, Element: Earth, Planet:  Venus, Moon

Mugwort is believed to protect travelers from fatigue, sunstroke, wild animals, and evil spirits. A tea or pillow of mugwort brings vivid prophetic dreams and helps one contact the astral plane.  Use the tea and incense to help in scrying. Use it to wash magic mirrors and crystal balls. To attract love and increase fertility, place a bit of the dried plant in an amulet. Burn it before you do a tarot reading or other divinatory work for a stronger reading and added protection. It will also purify the area.




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