Herb of the Week

Herb of the Week: Ginger This week’s herb is Ginger. Ginger(Zingiber officinale) Family: N.O. Zingiberaceae Native to parts of Asia, such as China, Japan, and India, ginger has a leafy stem and yellowish-green flowers. The spice comes from the rhizome (underground stem) of the plant. Ginger is a perennial root that creeps and increases underground, in… Continue reading Herb of the Week

Herb of the Week

Herb of the Week: Mugwort This week’s herb is Mugwort. Mugwort(Artemisia vulgaris) Family:  Asteraceae, Other Names: Artemisia, Hierba de San Juan, Armoise, Vulgaris herba, Felon herb, St. John’s herb, Chrysanthemum weed, Herbe royale. Mugworts have been used medicinally and as culinary herbs. The parts that grow above the ground and the root are used to make… Continue reading Herb of the Week

Herb of the Week

Herb of the Week: Milkweed This week’s herb is: Milkweed Milkweed [Asclepias syriaca]common milkweed, butterfly flower, silkweed, silky swallow-wort, Virginia Silkweed Gender: masculine, Element: Fire, Planet: Mars, Moon Milkweed Common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) is the best known of the 100 or so milkweed species native to North America. The name “common” fits the plant well because when not… Continue reading Herb of the Week

Herb of the Week

Herb of the Week: Calendula This week’s herb is Calendula. I chose it because, as noted by Albertus Magnus in the first English edition of his Book of Secrets. I, too, consider the virtues of marigold to be “marvelous.” Calendula[Calendula Officinalis] Also called pot marigold, marigold, garden marigold, holigold, mary bud Gender: Masculine, Element: Fire,… Continue reading Herb of the Week

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